Monday, April 4, 2016

Chapter 9, Test Taking, April 4-10

Please read the chapter on test taking and make comments on two of these questions:

1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,”  This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.”  Share your comments on the video.  Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general? 
3.  If you have difficulties with text anxiety, take a look at this video and summarize the key points: Test Anxiety Solutions 

4. How do you study for a math test?

5. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

8. Comment on another student's post. 


  1. The way i study for a math test is first turn off my cell phone to decrease any distractions it may cause. Second, write all the formulas i need to know for the test on flash cards and memorize them (flashcards are very helpful when trying to memorize math formulas). Third, I go through the practice test and do each problem, I then go through my notes and read all the examples the teacher provided in the lecture notes. Finally, I redo the practice exam as a test, and at this time i should be able to finish it fast and know everything thats on there.

    1. Great ideas for studying for a math text. The most important is turning off the cell phone to minimize distractions. Good job!

  2. The ideal way to review for a test would be to go through all the notes material that the teacher discussed in class and make sure that you are familiar with all of them and know them all. The second thing is to go through the homework and make sure that you can answer everything and understand all the material on the homework. Lastly, make flashcards of the most important things that you think will definitely be on the test and go over them multiple of times until it is time to take the test, by then you should be very prepared and very familiar with everything on the test.

  3. 6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    ashley Crawley
    some disadvantages of cramming is setting yourself back and getting confused and overwhelmed. i also believe that cramming is just for short term memory and it is easier to forget when trying to cram avoid cramming you should find time thought out the week to set aside for studying. make it a priority to study. and find time to review and take notes.

    1. You have the key idea here. Cramming just stores material in short-term memory and is not a good use of time. Good job!

  4. . Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    to take their time to relax and be prepared. they can prepare by doing mind maps, spread sheets, and flash cards. these things can help you be better prepared and make things a little easier because you will know the information. the other thing is remember to relax and think positive. tell yourself you got it you can do it. rather than you cant do it. tell yourself your going to pass the test rather then your not. positive energy is gives you more confident in your self.

  5. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    I like to start preparing for exams a head of time, organizing my notes quizzes and other assignments I did in class that can prepare me for the exam. Also I like to go over the notes, review what we learned in class, and if there's a review provided for the test, I always like to focus on that and spend my time studying it because most of the questions will be on the test.

    1. this is the best way to be prepared for a test or exam.....if you keep this up you will always be prepared and ready for your test.

  6. How do you study for a math test?
    I like to start practicing weeks before the math test, I start going through the homework, quizzes and the notes the teacher provided. To remember formula I like to make flash cards to make it easier to study and remember. Also get a good night sleep before the test, I don't like last minute studying I always tend to forget what I learned, so I always like to get a good sleep and wake up early to review, and last always ask for help, math isn't easy so asking questions and taking notes makes it a lot easier for me.

    1. I agree! Practice has always been key for me when taking a math test. The more consistently you can answer problems from a class the better you will feel going into the test. Visualizing success is a major key to success.

  7. Hello,
    4. How do you study for a math test?
    Of the most important ideas that help you to be successful in mathematics course is, attend every class. Do your homework and get help if needed in something you do not understand. Try to solve the simple question on the exam and then go to the most difficult, and if you get stuck in solving it tried to solve the problem and then develop a plan to solve the problem by writing formulas or laws that will help to solve it and then try to implement the plan to see if the answer is logical or illogical, if illogical moved to the other question, and then go back to the same question when they are more relaxed. Type the numbers carefully to avoid mistakes and make it clear and legible to the teacher. Leave a space between the answers in case you want to put added later. Check the neglect of plus signs or subtraction or multiplication in place was not appropriate in the matter, leading to the error output.

    1. this is good advice for me because math is not my strong point. when it comes to test taking i get nervous and overwhlemed. so thank you for the advice and the help.


  8. 7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    The best idea to study for exams are, attend all class, recording all the notes, to be ready to study and examination, and the most effective tools to teach facts and details are flash cards and the best way to review is started early and the division of material into small parts, it is also important to be selective and reviewing and reading the key points, and can be expected questions that can come in the test by attending all the lectures, and repeat and explain the article several times.

    1. Hello Muntaha,
      Great job on explaining your answer. I like how you said flash cards are the best way to review and to break down the material into small parts so that you can work on one section at a time. These tools is what I also use to prepare myself when I take a test. But I agree that attending all lectures and taking notes is the key to getting a good grade on an exam. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep up the good work.

  9. How do you study for a math test?
    When I study for a math test, I make sure that I attend all classes and make sure I do not miss any note taking that will be on the test. I will also be reviewing each day of what I have learned in the class so that it is in my mind. Also having study groups with my classmates helps me study and if I have questions my classmates will help me. Last the day before the test I will also make sure that I have a full night of rest, so I wont feel tired, and I will be mentally prepared the day of.

  10. How do you study for a math test?

    The key to be successful in math tests is to understand the material. Attendance and review after class are a must. 4-6 days before the exam , spread the focused material of the exam on those days. Use visual elements like index cards and charts to visualize the material of the class.Take a break after a good session of study and do other things unrelated to the test during the break to minimize anxiety. On the test day, quick review all the material and positive about your performance and results of the test.

    1. Hello,
      These are good ideas to study for a math test, I usually use them when I have any exam. All the ideas are right and these what will make you sussessful in every test not only a math test. Understanding the material, reviewwing them right after every class, taking notes that will help you to review what you have taken will allow you to have time to study for the test and don't forget to have a good sleep and eat your breakfast before taking the test, this will allow you to focus and do well on the test.

  11. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    Don't try to review all the material of the exam on the last 24 hours prior the test date. Review and understanding of the material is a gradual process. A prior good night sleep and a nutritious breakfast are a must on the test date. A quick review before the exam and a positive mind can reduce anxiety.

    1. Good ideas for avoiding test anxiety and being well-prepared. Good job!

  12. 4- How do you study for a math test?
    Studying for a math test is one of the most challenging aspects of studies for most college students. Perhaps the most important thing to do is to simply go to every class and see which method the professor uses to solve problems. It is critical to practice, practice and practice various math problems until the student is completely comfortable with the math chapters prior to the exam. Lastly, math should be studied daily and in small increments to let it absorb as it really is not a suitable subject to cram it all in on the night before the test.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Eva,
      I definitely agree, studying for a math test is extremely hard. It is not something you can partially understand and expect to do well in. I also agree that math should be studied daily in small increments because it is a subject you have to fully understand and it just won't work if you cram it all in one night. Your ideas are great and I can tell you do well on you math tests. Keep it up!

  13. 5- What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    The ideal way to review for a test is to study ahead of time. Study every day little by little. Try not to cram a lot of information at one because it is hard to remember the information that way. Think positive, relax, eat well, and do whatever you do that helps you focus the most. If it's listening to music, eating, having the TV on. Most importantly try to avoid an all-nighter and get a good sleep before an exam.

  14. How do you study for a math test?
    How I study for a math test is by starting out looking over lecture notes and also by looking over the homework. I start studying for the test couple of days before the test because that will help me memorize all the equations. I always make an exam for myself to be able to recognize if I can solve the materials or not. An addition, I restudy for the test, I go back over what I had trouble with on my practice exam. The most important thing is to study all the vocabulary because it will help me on the test to know what the words mean so I can be able to solve the math problem.

  15. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    Cramming has many disadvantages, including stress, long-term loss of knowledge and information overload. Some of the disadvantages of cramming for a test are: forgetting material, stress, and running out of time. Cramming certainly doesn't bring on feelings of confidence and relaxation. It's stressful. Some students think they will have better grades if they cram on the test. Ultimately, the results that students hope to get by cramming are not achieved. To avoid cramming students most start early studying a couple of weeks before the test so the information can transfer to long-term memory. The time of the day when students are most alert is the ideal study time. Some students feel more active in the morning, while others do better in the afternoon. So students have to make their own schedule of studying to do well on the test.

    1. Reading your post I must admit at times I am guilty of cramming and it have resulted in examination block and a lot of stress. I remember been burned out after cramming the night before the test which was very terrible because of lack of preparation and poor time management.Cramming is not a good idea because after the your brain goes into data dump mode and you forget the basic objectives of the course.People who cram experience difficulty in jobs because it is difficult for them to apply the knowledge.Cramming and getting high grades does not mean your knowledge of the subject.

  16. The best idea for studying for exams are attending class,practice good note taking and pay attention while the teacher is lecturing.Time management is important which can help maximize study time and focus on what is important.Students are often overwhelm because they tend to wait on the last minute to study.A good idea is to read the chapter before coming class having a basic idea of what is been thought and reviewing after which helps you remember.The use of flash cards,mind maps and sticky notes are good for note taking . Online sources such as quizlet,Cram and Khan academy are good sources to use for exam preparation.The night before the exam get sufficient sleep,have a healthy breakfast and arrive at least thirty minutes before the exam starts.

    1. Hi Anwar,
      I like your best idea about studying for the exam. It is important to attending the class and don't miss it. Also, practicing is a good way to success. In addition, manage your time is a great thing. I think you will be successful in the future if you keep going. Good Luck.

  17. 4. How do you study for a math test?
    - I study for a math test by using flash cards to memorize the formulas. Also, I find it easier to write down the formulas and any need to know numbers like pi multiple times. I will also study my quizzes or homework to fully understand what I did wrong so that I can get it right on the test.

  18. 5. What is the ideal way to study for a test?
    -When studying for a test, you don't want to compile to much information to study at once. Instead, you want to study in a quiet environment and disperse it throughout the week or however long until your test. It is easier for you to remember if you have studied it over time rather than all at once. Always remember to go back and study previous materials as well.

    1. Doing a little at a time and spreading out the learning is a powerful way to learn. Good job!

  19. How do you study for a math test?

    I study for the math test by reviewing all the notes that I took in math class; also I go over the chapters and practice the one that I am not good at it. I go to tutoring to get some help when I need to, and that’s will help us to remember all the problems and also remember the formulas hat we need to use on the test. Preparing for the test before two days would be helpful and easy to remember everything and make you confident of your self and ready to take it.

    1. Hello slvana
      I noticed that we both prepare for math test in a similar manner. You go through the chapters and focus on the problems you don’t fully understand or have trouble with as I do the same exact thing. I also noticed that you attend tutoring if you need help, I go to tutoring only when I am completely lost. We both attempt to remember all of the formulas since they are not always provided. The only difference I noticed between our methods is that I study over a longer period of time while you prefer to prepare your review a few days before the exam. I see the benefits of your method as the information will be fresh in your memory while I will just have more practice.

  20. 4- How do you study for a math test?
    I study for a math test by practicing the problems. Before the exam, if I have any trouble on one of the equations, I will ask my teacher to explain it for me. Also, reviewing all the important notes that I wrote it in the class. In addition, study all the rules and try to don't forget it and remember as much I can. Also, doing for me some questions and see If I can solve it or not and check it with the correct answers. Sleeping early before the test. Also, read the problems many times until I understand it. Practice the problems with my friends to help each other to get a good grades in the test.

    1. I have always had issues when studying math but I do agree with you that reviewing all the important notes that I wrote it in the class because it helps towards studying the test.

  21. 5- What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    The ideal way to review for a test is to review well and as much I can, do all my best, study hard all the day. Thinking that I want to pass a course with a good grade. Motivate myself always and challenge myself. Attending the class and don't miss any one. Review the lecture after the class because this way helps me to memorize the information and the important things. Also, eating a good meal before the test which has protein that is useful for a body and brain to remember as much I can. In addition, arrive to the class earlier to review the important notes.

  22. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    If anyone want to be a good test taker, he should attend all the classes one by one and take all the important notes that help him to be ready and remember all the information and also he should study well and check everything and try to not put in his mind anything about cheating because that will confuse him. All that he has to do is attend by the time and eat a light breakfast in the morning and be relax and don't push on himself and after that everything will be ok and will be a good test taker.

    1. Good plan for studying for exams. Keep up the good work!

  23. 4. How do you study for a math test?
    Studying for a math test is one of the most challenging and at times stressful aspects of my studies. I have tried a variety of methods to study for math and have discovered few tips that actually work for me. To start things off I have to attend every class and take clean and organized notes. My notes are a top priority as I often look back to them to review and solve different problems. Next I would have to say distributing the practice is very helpful, especially if I star studying a week or two before the test. This method allows me to divide my studying into multiple sitting over the course of a week or two before the test so I don’t find myself trying to cram nor walking into the testing room feeling worried and stressed. Lastly creating a small study group has been beneficial to me when I’m stuck on a problem or need something to be explained. Not to mention sometimes asked to go over a particular problem in the group and being able to teach it is one of the ways I learn.

    1. I agree that distributing the practice is very helpful.

  24. 4. How do you study for a math test?
    to be successful in math test we shold attend every class a day. Listen and pay attention to the material. Math is typically more visual than other subjects due to the equations and problem solving. Also, Ask teachers any questions that you might have before the day of the exam. The teacher might not tell you specifically what is going to be on the exam, but it will helps.Read the text carefully and make sure that not to miss anything, so you can be good in the test. Do all homework and assignments. these steps will help you to do well in tests

  25. 7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    each person has a specific way to prepare for exams. For me underlining is one of the simplest and best known study tips. It’s easy to highlight the most significant parts of what you’re reading. making notes is a good idea too, so you can review the best point that you highlight it and make notes of it. Quizzes are an excellent way to review study notes in the weeks and days before an exam. Also, take a rest is important to backup yuor braining.

    1. I agree with you on what you said, sometimes I do the same especially when I want to remember the important points , I highlight them so I remember them and at the same time I don't have to look up for them, it is an easy way to remember what it is difficult to remember. Also, the best way to study for exam is to practice everything on your own before every exam so you know if you are prepared to take it. Also, I turn my cell phone off and everything that I know it will distract me so I can focus and finish on time.

  26. The best way to review for a test would be to make flashcards and review little by little. The way I review before taking a test goes like this... First, I make flashcards on the notes I took putting questions or topics in the front and answers and definitions on the back. After I finish making flashcards, I review a certain amount of flashcards everyday rather than all of them the night before. After I have memorized everything on my flashcards, I print out a study guide and pretend that it is the test. If I don't get 100% correct on the study guide, then I know what else I have to study. I also get plenty of sleep the night before. Doing this should definitely help others do well on tests because it has worked for me.

    1. Great plan for studying for exams. Keep up the good work in this class!

  27. - Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    You can be a good test taker if you study and practice not only before the test but you should divide your studying session. Students have to be relaxed before they take the test and pick the right answer. Use the technique called process and eliminate, and eliminate the two answers that you think they're wrong. Pick the answer that is understandable and you think it is right. Do not change your answer because the first choice is always the wright choice so do not change anything you answered at first. Use flashcards to review for the test before you begin the test, write the main ideas and the things that you think they are important and that will me on the test. Highlight the things that you need to memorize and review them before the test.

  28. - How do you study for a math test?
    Studying for a math test is different than studying for any subject. Math needs a lot of practice and when solving a problem there is more than one way to solve so students have to stick to the way that they can easily solve the problem. Sometimes teachers will not let you use any other way to solve the problem only their way, but you have to practice solving it like the teacher, and if the test was multiple choice eliminate the numbers that are not close to each other then pick the mid number. Check your answers before you give your test.

    1. Good suggestions for studying for a math text. Keep up the good work in this course!

  29. - How do you study for a math test?
    Try to find out various ways to tackle a certain problem. For example, with systems of equations, you can solve them by either substitution, elimination, or graphing. the best idea is to Start studying 2 months before the exam, and make sure everything is good .As for the day before the exam, don't be stressed and just relax. And you will do great. Also, clear your mind when you sleep is a good idea to make the difference. Too, having someone to make up problems for you to work out is a good way to prepare to the test.

    1. Good idea to start early! Keep up the good work in this course.

  30. 5. What is the ideal way to review for a test? Review Tools

    The ideal way to review for a test is to focus on key words and their meaning. A good way to retain this information is to write flash cards. Flash cars gives the opportunity to notice a key word and remember its definition. Its also a good idea to write summary sheets as you study your text book. Summary sheets give the opportunity to record and capture information as you read true the text. And last a good alternative is mind maps because they focus on visualizing a picture to remember important key factors.

    1. Good summary of some of the important points in this chapter. Keep up the good work in this course.

  31. 7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    I always before any exam Create my own study guide, so make good plan to pass the exam. I Always take the notes for a particular class in the same notebook. Spiral bound notebooks were invented because they solved the problem of keeping related information consolidated in one place, and I take advantage of this. Highlight major topics and subtopics, with the goal of generating an outline of my notes. Major topics often extend through more than one day's lecture, and it is easy to lose track of the overall picture from day to day. These are good ways to pass any exam in the future.

  32. 4. How do you study for a math test?

    The ideal way to prepare for a math exam is the following.: A way to study for a test is to turn off any electronic devices to avoid interruptions. It’s a great idea to make flash cards because it makes your mind work its memorize and recognize its definition quickly. Another alternative is to make summary sheets since they are good to record notes on a math textbook. Another idea is to review practice exams and rewrite the same problem three times to make sure you get the same answer every time.

  33. -The best way to review for a test is to use flash cards and review the key terms and the notes you took in class and read the text and use your mind plans.

    - Five major things to focus on when taking a math class are as follows. One is to always start your homework early. Second, is to ask for help when help is needed. Third is to not be afraid to raise your hand and participate in class. Fourth is to always review and ask your instructor for a review of the chapter before the test and finally to try and study with other students from your class because they have different perspective on the same subject which means you will both help each other out.

    1. Good plan for preparing for a math test. Keep up the good work in this course.

  34. 4. How do you study for a math test?
    To study for a math test it is mostly important to attend every class to gather all the material that is taught to take notes. Secondly, schedule a time to study and a quiet place. Begin to break down your study time into parts to not get overwhelmed. Immediate review, intermediate review and final review. Lastly, try to remember all formulas if any and write them down on the test as soon as you receive it.

  35. 6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    Some disadvantages of cramming is putting unnecessary stress on yourself. In addition, you will not be able to take advantage of distributed practice. If you must cram for an exam be selective to what you will study. By doing so just focus on the main points. Skim through each chapter and and look for the main points.Also make summary sheets with the main ideas and review them. It is also important to get a good nights rest and plan ahead for next time.

    1. Great tips for test preparation and avoiding cramming. Keep up the good work in this course.

  36. To a student who feels that they are not a good test taker, there are many ways to improve your abilities to become a good test taker. It is mostly based off of how well your preparation for the test is. If you do not study while also not giving yourself time to divide your time efficiently, you will not do well. You also need to have complete focus and read the entire question careful, while also reading through all of the answers. You should not pick the answer that seems right to you before you have read through all of the answers, because there may be another answer better than the one you have chosen.

  37. Some ways to prepare for a math test or course is to make sure you review the material and take the time to study in small chunks. It is easy to make small mistakes, so you will need to be able to write neatly and readable so you can see your mistakes better. A way to memorize formulas is to use a flashcard. Flashcards are very helpful and will be able to help you memorize the required studies easier and faster. Another way to remember is after a lecture, it is best to review your notes as soon as possible to assure your memory.

    1. Good tips for studying for a math course. Keep up the good work in this course.

  38. 4. How do you study for a math test?
    When I study for a math test, I always make sure that I have attended all the classes because math is hard to understand and If I miss any class, it will be hard for me to understand the subjects. Secondly, I make sure that I have my notes with be so I remember all the formulas that I have been taking during the semester, thirdly, I make sure that I study alone so no one can distract me from focusing. The last thing I would do is to take enough sleep before the test and eat my breakfast so I can focus on it.

    1. Good summary of the steps needed to prepare for a math test. Keep up the good work in this course.

  39. 5. The ideal way for me to review for a test is to read over the chapters. I right down key points from a specific header or chapter. I also like to answer any questions that might be in the book for that specific chapter to test my understanding of the information I just read. I always review my notes I took in class to make sure I did not miss any key concepts or any clues on what exactly might be on the test that I am review for. I also enjoy study group sessions because it often times give me a different perspective or a different understanding on the material. Everyone has different ways to remember things and those unique things can have a huge impact if and how you remember that information.

  40. 4. The way I study for a math test is by being proactive. Math is a subject that builds on top of itself, so making sure that I am active in doing homework and practicing is very essential with any subject that is algorithmic. Also, if I do not understand something, I know exactly where I should go to get the help I need because falling behind is an option in any math course. For math you need to go back to the way you use to do homework when you were a child, with a pencil and paper around a table without any distractions. Practice and repition is key!

    1. Great tips for exam preparation and studying for a math test. Keep up the good work in this course.

  41. How do you study for a math test? I am fortunate that math comes easy to me and is one of my strongest points in school. However, I know that there are several who struggle with math and become very discouraged when taking math courses. With that being said, some tips I would suggest for study for math is go to EVERY class! Math class is not the class you want to miss especially when you’re struggling. You learn so many steps or procedures that the next class you attend can be completely foreign. In addition, I have found it best to make note cards with sample questions, definitions, procedures, and steps written out. I would also suggest taking the practice tests found in the back of the chapters; most often the questions on the test are similar to these and will really benefit your understanding of the material. If all else fails, go to tutoring or the math lab get help as soon as you begin to not understand the material its very overwhelming to play catch up in math.

    1. Using note cards us a good idea, I will try that on my next test.

  42. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming? Cramming in your study time before a test is your worst option aside from not studying at all however, we are all guilty of it at some point or another. When we cram a lot of information into a little amount of time our brain becomes over loaded and unable to store it all. I believe the chapter stated that you will forget about 75% of the material you studied when you are cramming it all in. Not to mention when you procrastinate you bring yourself unnecessary anxiety and stress about the exam. You’re best option is to gradually study leading up to the exam date, make flash cards and study them everyday, join a study group, and get a good nights rest.

    1. Great tips for exam preparation and studying for math tests. Thanks for sharing them with the class. Keep up the good work in this class.

  43. 7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    My best idea is study all of my notes that I took in class. I try to go to tutors if I am unsure about something. I review all of the past handouts that we did in class. I try to remember the notes that seem the most important. I also ask the teacher what kinds of problems I can expect for the exam.

  44. A little anxiety before a test can be good and finals week can be a stressful time for all students I know it is for me. So, knowing how to prepare for finals exam is the best way to avoid the stress. Actually the test encourages me to work hard so there are some tips to reduce test anxiety. Remember to take care of yourself first. You should be sure to eat healthy foods and to get enough sleep before a test and the ideal way to review for a test take good notes in your class lectures and textbooks, review your notes soon after class/lecture, review notes for a short time before the next class, Plan to make some time at the end of the week for a longer review. The most important for me before and after taking the test and reduce the anxiety is to keep relax and have confident in yourself.

    1. Good summary of how to avoid too much test anxiety. Keep up the good work in this course.

  45. 6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    One disadvantage of cramming for a test is that you might not get enough sleep. Another disadvantage is that you might be too far behind, so you might not complete all of the work. You will be stress for that day. You will be in a rush the whole day and you might just think about completing the work instead of actually trying to learn it. You can avoid this by do your work in small parts. This will enable you to feel more prepared and have a good sleep.

    1. Hi Jerry I think the way you explained the outcomes of cramming for a test were correct because those things usually tend to happen and no good outcome really comes out of it, overall good post!

  46. Many students who cram for tests claim they achieve better under stress. While this may feel right because the time limitation forces you to complete the work, it doesn't give a high value of result. Cramming has many disadvantages, including stress, long-term loss of information and information overload. Therefore, it's always better begin studying at least a few days in advance. Rather than saving everything for the last minute, make a study plan gaining of time. To not feel stunned, make smaller goals that you can focus on it. This increases your chances of always keep in mind the material. Try to plan your studying and assignments so that by the time you get to the night before the exam, you have already covered all the material and can review it. This will decrease your stress and make the process of studying more useful.

  47. The ideal way to review for a test would be to go over everything that the teacher taught us about in every class and the most important thing it to review every note, every subject by itself and write down the most important points so I won't be confused. Another ideal way is I practice before every exam and after every class so I don't forget anything. The last thing I do is I study alone so I don't get distracted by any electronic devices or anyone from my family. Also, I get almost 8 hours of sleep and have a meal before the test.

    1. Good suggestions for successful test preparation. Keep up the good work in this course!

  48. An easy way to avoid cramming for a test can start with studying for the test in sections that way you give yourself time to absorb the important information about each part that will be on the test. Also you can avoid cramming by always following up in class and never missing class that way you learn everything in class and just go home and review what you had learned for the day.

    1. that's right because when you study everything all together you get stressed out and you don't know what to do.

  49. How do you study for a math test?
    You should first memorize all your formulas for the math chapters you have and you should also know how to apply them, if you know the formulas for each chapter that’s included in your test you’re going to absolutely get a good grade on that test. Math is all about formulas and rules, they will never change just like in English grammar they’re going to be the same for ever so if you memorize the formulas in the day you get them you’re not going to panic on the test. So the best way to study for a math test is to master all your formulas.

    1. I see that we use the same method when we prepare for the math test like what you said practice the formulas and also review the problems that you fully don't know how to do it, is the best way that you will get a better grade on the test.

  50. 7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    The best ideas to study or an exam is not to study the night before the exam. To get good grade on it you should memorize your notes day by day and not just wait until the last minute and start studding because you’re going to get stressed out and don’t know what to study and what’s more important. To study for the exam you can meet your partner in the library and study together and maybe ask each other questions but don’t do that right before the test, do it at least a week before.

  51. 5. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

    The key in studying for any math test is practice. Practice shows you how consistently you can answer questions from the material and helps you to go in with a better mindset. Visualizing success is a major key.

    1. I agree that practicing and repeating a concept in math is essential to being successful in the class. with that being said, it is super important to do your math homework, not only will the actual homework boost your grade but it will also help you lock down your understanding of the concept.

  52. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    The best way to review for a test is reviewing the material little by little ahead of time before taking the exam. Preparing early on will ensure that you don't cram or feel stressed out for an exam. Go over key points of the subject and the best way to do this is reading your lecture notes. Making flashcards to remember more specific details about a certain topic is a good and easy way to learn, because while you're actually writing them out you are learning the material already. Creating a study group can also be advantageous because you can see the way other people think and their point of view giving you a new perspective. Last but not least have a good night sleep the night before and have a full breakfast the morning of the exam, having energy and not an empty stomach is vital to be able to concentrate and recall information for an exam.

    1. Good summary of successful exam preparation steps. Keep up the good work in this course.

  53. What is the ideal way to review for a test
    The ideal way to review for the test is to have good notes that have what’s more important in a subject and spend at least five minutes every night to review them so when the test comes up you’re not going to get stressed out because you already know them you just need to review them all together just to remember them again. If you do this you’re going to do good in all of your classes and your grades are going to get better.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. 4. How do you study for a math test?

    For a math test I always make sure I memorize the formulas I need to. Next I make sure to practice problems until I have that type of problem figured out. I always make sure I have the section I am on understood before I try to move on. I mostly refer to the homework to help me study because for math the best study method for me is just to practice. I notice the review sheets the teacher hands out have problems almost identical to the ones on the test.

  56. When someone says they aren't a good test taker, the mindset often gives you a bad chance from the beginning. Having a positive mindset towards taking a test will help you have an overall better outlook on tests.

    1. Yes, mindset is super important. Thanks for emphasizing this point.

  57. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    Make sure you go into preparing for the test with a positive outlook. Being negative and doubting yourself will only hurt yourself in the end. Make sure you don't procrastinate and space out your study times. Start with the easy stuff and the stuff you know and then move on. If you need additional help on certain criteria, don't be afraid to seek help. Always make sure you get a good nights sleep the night before an exam.

    1. Good comments on the necessity of a positive outlook. Of course it is easier to be positive with good preparation. Keep up the good work in this course.

  58. A good way to review for a test is go over all of the main points of each section and write them out so you are saying it in your head and actually writing it on paper for future reference to practice. Using a high lighter can help a lot by showing the main points of the notes.

  59. So far this semester I have been good at making time for studying and developing good study habits. What I've found to be extremely helpful is knowing when my test is in advance, and some-what planning out when it is that I will be doing most of my studying. With a busy work/life schedule, time management has to be a priority. This has also taken a lot of stress of of cramming the night before which makes me feel more confident and relaxed when it comes time to actually take the test. If the teacher ever offers a study guide I make sure I completely fill it out and know it back to back. This is the best way to know what will be on the exam. Also, if there is an area that I feel more weak on than others, I will go back in the book to that section and read it over, making note of the main points in the book.

  60. Reviewing for math is a different story all together. Usually the teacher offers a study guide, or in my past math class experiences they have. If you slack on study guides in other classes, this is the one class where you really should take advantage of the help given to you. In math, usually if you know how to solve one problem in a specific manner, you can do almost any. So if you are given a study guide and know how to complete all the problems the test problems shouldn't be that shocking when you see them, which also reduces test anxiety. Reviewing little by little is something I realized really helps me in math, because it is one of my weaker subjects I know that I need to dedicate more time to it, and by breaking up the study periods into smaller time increments it makes it a little less painful.

    1. Great summary of test preparation tips and how to study for math courses. Keep up the good work in this course.

  61. 6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    Cramming for a test makes you very unprepared and most of the time the people cramming for a test the reason is because they kept putting it off for later and now when its time to do the work they are behind and its late at night the day before its due and they rush.

  62. 7. What is your best idea for studying for exams

    Studying for a exam is important by making sure you understand the main parts of a chapter or lesson. Going over things and reviewing everyday is a good way to remember things.

  63. How do you study for a math test?

    The way I study for a math test is definitely different than studying for any other test. With a normal test like english or history, you have to really understand the content and know it conceptually before exam day. For me, math is all about memorization. There is nothing but formula and calculations and numbers in math. It is all repetition and practice that would allow me to excel on an exam. If I sat everyday and practiced the chapter and online problems at home, I know I will have no problem n test day. A helpful thing is t know how to use a calculator and memorize the right formula for the right problems.

  64. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    For me, the key is to not procrastinate. I, sometimes have a tendency to procrastinate because I feel it makes me want to study when the test is coming closer, but it is not the right way to pass an exam. It is really risky to study last second. I like to study after each lecture so that the notes can stay fresh in my head. If there's a study guide available, I fill it out as I take notes each class period so that I know where that question is coming from. Taking good notes in class is also important because the notes you take are the notes you will use to studying for the exam. Find out where the test questions mainly derive from. Ask questions at point of confusion and go to office hours when needed.

  65. How do you study for a math test?

    The way I study for a math test is definitely different than studying for any other test. With a normal test like english or history, you have to really understand the content and know it conceptually before exam day. For me, math is all about memorization. There is nothing but formula and calculations and numbers in math. It is all repetition and practice that would allow me to excel on an exam. If I sat everyday and practiced the chapter and online problems at home, I know I will have no problem n test day. A helpful thing is t know how to use a calculator and memorize the right formula for the right problems.

  66. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming? Best ways to avoid cramming are for one to be motivated in the work you have to do and tell yourself that it is important and that it gets your full effort and attention. Then start breaking up the work part by part piece by piece throughout the day or week depending on how long you have to finish an assignment.

    What is your best idea for studying for exams? My best ideas for studying for an exam are to make sure you start studying after every class period to ensure you are not procrastinating and trying to remember all the chapters the night before. Then when the test gets closer just start reviewing material
